Report of Seminar on Reviving Pakistan's Movement Passion Need of Hour
Since Pakistan’s creation we have been striving for its prosperity. Though sincere efforts were made over the decades in this regard, many challenges are yet to be overcome. To face the current challenges, it is required to have passion of developing Pakistan. To this end, MUSLIM Institute in collaboration with ICMAP (Institute of Cost & Management Accountants of Pakistan) organized a seminar on “Reviving Pakistan’s Movement Passion-Need of Hour” at ICMAP Islamabad on Saturday 21st March 2015 in commemoration of Lahore Resolution of Pakistan passed on 23 March 1940 and then adoption of First Constitution of Pakistan on 23 March 1956 making Pakistan the world’s first Islamic Republic.
Senior Member of Board of Intellectuals, MUSLIM Institute & Former Secretary General for Foreign Affairs Mr. Akram Zaki presided over the seminar whereas Chairman Standing Committee of Finance, Revenue & Economic Affairs Mr. Omar Ayub Khan was chief guest on the occasion. Scholar on Iqbal Dr. Ayub Sabir, Editor South Asian Pulse Rana Abdul Baqi, Member Corporate Relations and Technical Support Committee, National Council of ICMAP Mr. Muhammad Imran, Public Relations Coordinator of MUSLIM Institute Mr. Tahir Mahmood and Research Associate of MUSLIM Institute Mr. S.H. Qadri addressed the seminar. Member Branch Council ICMAP (FCMA) Mr. Muhammad Rizwan Arshad moderated the proceedings of the seminar. Various research scholars, diplomats, journalists, professors, students and other persons of civil society participated in the seminar.
Salient points of the addresses of speakers are as under:-
There is need to revisit our historical ideology that provides foundation for all our efforts for a prosperous and sustainable future. We should protect and promote our true ideology at every platform and create awareness among youth and masses in order to make sincere and focused efforts to achieve progress and prosperity of our country. Today there are confusions regarding ideology therefore ideological clarity is required. All the controversies and propagandas in this regard need to be dealt which is possible by travelling back to our origin. Young generation is unaware of the purpose of creation of Pakistan. Similarly history of Muslim traders and Sufi preachers remain unknown. We should not forget the efforts and sacrifices given by of our forefathers.
If we look back into the history, Allama Iqbal, in his poetry, explained Two Nation Theory. In his Allahabad Address of 1930, he developed the concept of Muslim homeland to exercise the Islamic principles and culture in true letter and spirit. He also emphasized on unity and determination of Muslim Ummah. Allama Iqbal in 1930 said that Islam is people building force which has introduced people with moral values and political identity. Iqbal described that it is right of Muslims to ask for separate homeland to practice independently their culture, religion and faith and for the purpose unity of Indian Muslims is necessary. Iqbal proposed to make Muslim state by including Punjab, NWFP, Sindh and Baluchistan constituting one state where Islamic rules would be practiced. Thus Iqbal laid foundations for separate state for Muslims in Indian sub-Continent. After this address, Muslim got a direction to move forward for their independence and got momentum for Pakistan movement.
Based on this ideology, Muslims started peaceful Pakistan movement under Quid-e-Azam’s honest leadership along with other renowned leaders. All India Muslim League passed an important resolution known as the Lahore Resolution in 1940, demanding a separate country for Muslims, based upon Muslims majority areas for protection and promotion of Muslim identity and interests. Besides, Muslims would have opportunity to adopt Islamic system and Islamic culture. The protection of minorities’ rights would also be ensured.
After independence, the Objective Resolution was passed by the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan in 1949.It became one of the important documents, in light of Allahabad Address and Lahore Resolution, which emphasizes that entire sovereignty belongs to Allah and delegates the authority to the state of Pakistan within the limits prescribed in Holy Quran and Holy Sunnah. It promotes the principles of democracy, equality, tolerance, social justice, universal peace and progress based on Islamic principles and laws. Minorities are given full freedom to enjoy their religions and practices. Pakistan was supposed to be a welfare state.
The report of Sachar Committee headed by the Former Chief Justice of Delhi High Court Rajinder Sachar clearly indicates the Hindu extremism and suppression of Muslims in India. This report gave about 72 recommendations to improve conditions of Muslims in India but as per report of Daily Hindu published in 2013, these recommendations have not yet been implemented. Sachar Report leads us to study Jinnah’s Fourteen Points once again that emphasized on political, social and economic rights of Muslims as Quaid-e-Azam was well aware of the hidden authoritarian and oppressive intentions of All India Congress Party and Hindu extremists’ mentality (for Quaid-e-Azam, Hindu mentality never meant a particular religious outlook but the ruling elite of India which did not accept existence of any other religion in the sphere of politics, economics and society except their own faith. Its living examples are Shudhi movement, Aria Samaj, Hindutva and many other such movements). Quaid-e-Azam had left All India Congress Party due to such intentions and joined All India Muslim League.
Our cultural, moral, social values are quite different from those of Hinduism and therefore we are two separate nations and same idea led to creation of Pakistan. Islam is not a private matter but it extends to Muslims’ social, economic and political life, and provides them a complete code of life. Therefore, stability of Pakistan is linked with the ideological strength that demands loyalty to Allah Almighty and Hadhrat Muhammad (PBUH). We have to break all superficial barriers of sectarianism, regionalism, ethnicity, linguistic and religious segregation and be united to act upon universal values and principles of Islam for peace, prosperity and harmony. Islam teaches us respect for humanity and to tolerate all the religions and schools of thoughts. Moreover, Islam brought the revolutionary ideas of modern civilization and science into Europe and other parts of the world.
After independence, Pakistan did not have sufficient infrastructure and industrial base but it has made substantial progress over several decades. We have much potential in terms of resources and labor productivity and have strategic geo-political situation and we can become trade hub for the world. Pakistan has everlasting friendship and strategic relations with China. Karakoram Highway and under process Pakistan-China Economic corridor will bring new socio economic uplift in the region. However, it requires stability of Pakistan which is dependent on strong belief in ideology and practice upon it. We should be confident that we are a strong nation; we need a blend of national cohesion, credible defense and economic progress to resolve our issues and achieve sustainable growth and success. Above all, we also need honest and visionary leadership to awaken and promote creative skills of people as we successfully struggled for Pakistan. We have to accelerate our passion that we would protect and build our country based upon our true ideology. We should improve and strengthen our relations with Muslim as well as other countries especially with the economic and defense powers on basis of equality and friendship. We should think over and implement the slogan of Faith, Unity and Discipline and be united to go forward. Progress can be made through real democracy, focused educational system, social welfare, effective local government system and social economic justice based upon Islamic values. Terrorism can be eradicated by creating employment opportunities for youth and following consistent economic policies. Our country demands us to follow Islamic System instead of feudalism or imperialism to bring equality and justice to people. People should have socio-economic freedom to opt for leaders of their choice with full freedom instead of accepting the will of feudal. During the freedom movement the slogan was “we will have Pakistan” with full passion. Today we need slogan of “we will build Pakistan” with the same passion.
During the interactive session speakers, panelists discussed and replied different questions asked by the participants. The speakers discussed that:-
Completion of Pakistan is still awaited as Quaid-e-Azam also said that creation of Pakistan is not our destiny but it is one step towards our ultimate goal. Islamic democracy explained by Allama Iqbal cannot be seen until and unless people are provided with socio-economic freedom. Completion of Pakistan will be done when we practice the ideology of Quaid and Iqbal in true spirit. If today government system described by Iqbal and Quaid is implemented, corruption will decrease considerably within no time. Quran has given invitation to observe and think and this is the base of science. It is why Muslim scientists progressed a lot in early history of Islam and that’s why Iqbal said “the birth of Islam was a birth of inductive intellect”. We have to tackle with all forms of extremism so that we can move forward and build Pakistan according to the ideology of Quaid and Iqbal.
Economic wellbeing, socio-economic justice and national unity are important factors for progress of Pakistan. We have to focus on education, scientific and technological advancements to make ourselves a leading nation in the world.
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