To commemorate Iqbal Day, research-oriented think-tank MUSLIM Institute organized two days conference “Application of Iqbalian Vision in 21st Century” on 6 & 7 November, 2012 at Islamabad Hotel, Islamabad. Among representatives of all sections of society, the conference was attended by renowned analysts, professors and students of various universities, parliamentarians from the Provincial and National Assemblies, foreign diplomats, members of various research organizations and a large number of journalists and academics.
On the conclusion of the conference, Chairman MUSLIM Institute Sahibzada Sultan Ahmad Ali presented following proposals in the light of views expressed by speakers:-
- Iqbal’s thoughts and vision should be made part of curriculum at all levels as well as in seminaries.
- To promote Iqbal’s insistence on Ijtihad, discourse should be held at national and international level. The Muslim states should make necessary legislation as well as evolve economic system in the light of the same.
- The importance of Afghan issue should be comprehended in the light of Iqbal’s views and the same should be resolved according to aspirations of Afghan people. The Muslim world should rely on unity of the Ummah to get rid of imperialistic influence and control.
The detailed report can be found Here.