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Report of the Opinion Poll
2 Day International Conference on
Kashmir: Challenges and Prospects

Organized by
MUSLIM Institute

Introduction of
2 Day International Conference on “Kashmir: Challenges & Prospects”

There is dire need for projecting the Kashmir issue at international level in its entirety so as concerted efforts are made for its resolution to ward off adverse implications that lingering Kashmir issue may entail not only for Pakistan but also for the region. With these objectives in mind the MUSLIM Institute organized Two Day International Conference titled “Kashmir: Challenges & Prospects” on 26th and 27th March 2014 at Islamabad Club, Islamabad. The event brought together national policymakers, eminent analysts, Kashmiri leadership as well as international scholars and writers who have been vocal in advocating the resolution of Kashmir issue as per UN resolutions. The conference was held in five sessions. It aimed at drawing international attention towards plight of people of Indian Held Kashmir and also to underscore need for resolution of the Kashmir issue for bilateral relations of Pakistan and India as well as regional peace.

Objective of
The Opinion Poll

Polls tell us what proportion of a population has a specific viewpoint. They do not explain why respondents believe as they do or how to change their minds. Polls are simply a measurement tool that tells us how a population thinks and feels about given topic. This can be useful in helping understand the participants because it gives the people a chance to speak for themselves instead of letting only vocal media stars speak on behalf of all. Opinion poll on the event of conference was designed to have feedback of the participants about the issue, its dimensions as well as their recommendations with regard to its resolution.

Executive Summary

The opinion poll was circulated to 556 participants of the conference. Findings are based on the feedback of the participants. It is relevant to mention here that participants belonged to cross sections of the society including parliamentarians, academicians, researchers, university students, diplomats, journalists. By and large, targeted people were well educated and mature.


The Report

The multiple choice questions have been presented in graphical presentation based on the answers and few selected narrative answers have been presented provided by the respondents.

1. In your opinion, Kashmir dispute is an:

i) Issue of people of Kashmir ii) Issue between India & Pakistan
iii) Regional Issue iv) International Humanitarian Issue


2. Did United Nations fulfill its responsibilities for resolution of Kashmir issue?


i) Yes ii) No
iii) To Some Extent iv) Don't Know

3. Did International community show the kind of seriousness for resolution of Kashmir issue that it showed towards settlement of East Timor, Sudan or such like conflicts?


i) Yes ii) No
iii) To Some Extent iv) Don't Know

4. Are Pakistan and India serious in resolution of Kashmir issue?


i) Only Pakistan ii) Only India
iii) Both iv) Don't Know

5. Did neighboring countries and regional cooperation organizations made serious efforts for resolution of Kashmir issue?


i) Yes ii) No
iii) To Some Extent iv) Don't Know

6. Is India abusing and violating basic human rights in Indian Held Kashmir?


i) Yes ii) No
iii) To Some Extent iv) Don't Know

7. Did Human Rights Organizations play effective role for elimination of inhuman laws implemented by India in Indian Held Kashmir?


i) Yes ii) No
iii) To Some Extent iv) Don't Know

8. How do you rate the role of international community for repeal of inhuman laws implemented by India in Indian Held Kashmir?


i) Very effective ii) Effective
iii) Ineffective iv) Don't Know

9. Do international media give due / requisite coverage to Kashmir issue?


i) Yes ii) To some extent
iii) Not at all iv) Don't Know

10. What should be the role of Pakistani media to highlight Kashmir issue?

Few selected comments received by participants are as follows:

  • Pakistani media should highlight human right violations in Occupied Kashmir to advocate the cause of self determination for Kashmiris
  • 1) Daily news coverage of importance of Kashmir. 2) Highlight the issue by interviews of Kashmiri Leadership
  • To project the real situation on ground, which it did not when for years hundreds of thousands of people in streets said "Go India, Go Back" and hoisted Pakistani Flag. Counter the Indian propaganda in a professional way
  • It should highlight the problems and their solutions of Kashmiri Muslim community
  • 1) Publish special supplements on Kashmir issue. 2) Films to be shown on different channels on related issues
  • Proper coverage is not given to Kashmir issue. Documentary films/movies highlighting individual instances of atrocities and narratives by individuals going through them, should regularly be shown
  • They should promote awareness about the issue among new generation
  • At least 5 minutes in daily 9pm news for Kashmir cause and spread information about this cause.

    11. What is the greatest hurdle in resolution of Kashmir issue?

    Some selected comments are as follows:

  • Denial of right of self determination as resolved by UNO
  • Indian militarization in Kashmir
  • India is against the dialogue and that is the big hurdle in resolution of Kashmir issue
  • India is the greatest hurdle who don't want the international community to interfere in Kashmiri
  • India's stand that Kashmir is its integral part; which is baseless as its first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru took Kashmir issue to UN for its resolution
  • The stubborn attitude of Indian Government towards the Kashmir issue and because of no strategic interest of world powers in vale of Kashmir
  • International community did not take it serious as an issue of continuous human rights violation and participate their role to resolve it
  • Double standards of international Powers & UN, Weak situation and stance of Govt. of Pakistan
  • The greatest hurdle is that we have left pursuing the cause of Kashmir. A constant effort to create awareness of the issue at international level is required.
  • Resources and geopolitical importance of Kashmir issue

    12. Your opinion / suggestions for resolution of Kashmir issue

    Some selected are as follows:

  • Major role should be played by media and human rights organization and pray to Allah for the welfare of Kashmir masses
  • International communities should actively take part for solution of the issue of Kashmir. They should enforce UN and related organizations to put pressure on India for implementation of UN resolution in true spirit
  • Implement the resolutions of UN and world powers should play their role in as they did in other regions of the world
  • Demilitarization & then referendum
  • Give Kashmiris the right of self determination through the peaceful methods to Kashmiris
  • The members of OIC and other international organization such as UNO and leaders of great nations should take concrete steps to solve the Kashmir issue
  • Pakistani gov. and international community should play serious role on this issue and force India to stop violation and extremism in Kashmir for sustained peace
  • Kashmiri people should be involved in bilateral dialogue process with some foreign mediating role to put pressure on India to resolve it
  • First all Muslim community need to be united and raise this issue then this problem must be resolved
  • Economic stability is our political stability and our economic stability will put our rival stakeholders under pressure
  • Unity in whole Pakistan and practically work on this issue. Government should take serious action on Kashmir issue
  • Through media by highlighting frequently Kashmir issue at highest international level to common people in this globalized world. Through social media, awareness should be proliferate, and by stabilization of Kashmiris

    The Conclusion

    Kashmir dispute is an international humanitarian issue according to the viewpoint of 62% participants, 84% are of the viewpoint that United Nations has not fulfilled its responsibilities in resolving the issue, 93% were of the opinion that India is abusing and violating basic human rights in Indian Held Kashmir. 67% of the participants were of the viewpoint that among India and Pakistan, only Pakistan is serious about the resolution of Kashmir issue. Furthermore 74% of the participant think that Human Rights Organizations have not played effective role in elimination of the draconian laws implemented in Indian Held Kashmir and 53% are of the opinion that international media has not given due/requisite coverage to Kashmir issue.

    The results of opinion poll entails the reasons, factors and circumstances behind the lingered Kashmir issue for so long and require that we should continue our struggle for the resolution of Kashmir issue. Resolution can be achieved through continuous projection of Kashmir issue nationally and internationally and making the international community speak of the issue which will force the international organization to resolve the issue as per the will of Kashmiri people.


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